It is NAACFRC’s mission to change the societal narrative around Black families by shifting the research framework to encapsulate the whole African American experience with mechanisms for their voice to be heard. The NAACFRC’s work broadly focuses on child development programs such as Early Head Start and Head Start, child care assistance, social and economic mobility, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
The NAACFRC uses Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR) as the framework for its research priorities. The third research priority of CBPR is to identify and develop strategies to promote the social & economic well-being of African American children & families.
NAACFRC’s strategies include applying tools such as community surveys, listening sessions, survey dashboards and the Community-Based Research Database to conduct research analysis and fieldwork to identify and assess community needs and possible solutions. NAACFRC uses its assessments to prepare reports that can inform ACF policy and practices for the advancement of equity for African American children and families.
The NAACFRC prioritizes the needs and experiences of practitioners within their promotion of access, equity, inclusion, and participation of families served by TANF, Head Start, and Child Care Assistance. Our fourth research priority is to identify and assess promising approaches for service provision to African American children. Activities under this priority include:
- Assessing program efforts to promote access, equity, inclusion, & support
- Assessing the feasibility of implementation of current ACF promising approaches
- Conducting semi-structured interviews with program leaders & recipients to identify the components of promising approaches
- Analyzing existing datasets for individual-, community-level, & geo-variables using statistical modeling or clustering analysis
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