Discover the power of Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) in our first 2024 Research Capacity Building Webinar. Learn the fundamentals of CBPR, the key infrastructure for partnerships, practical examples from ACF programs, and its benefits for addressing inequities. Understand CBPR's implications for policy and practice in this enlightening session.
This webinar will describe how to employ quantitative and computational methods (QCM) situated in context, history, and social relations when conducting community-engaged research.
Describe how the Morehouse School of Medicine Prevention Research Center (MSM PRC) research and prevention initiatives are implemented in direct response to priorities identified through community-based participatory research (CBPR)-driven needs and assets assessment. Led by a community-majority coalition board, the assessment coupled state and city secondary data with primary survey data collected by and from […]
This webinar will identify best practices in language that foster community engagement, including common terms that are incorrectly/inappropriately used in equity and inclusion work. This session will provide guidelines to […]
The NAACFRC 2024 CER Conference presents a program that builds community-engaged research capacity in African American communities. It showcases community-engaged research including innovative research approaches, stories of successful research collaborations, and lessons learned.
This webinar will discuss the ways in which academic research leaders have engaged African American communities in research throughout the entire research process, from planning to dissemination. Examples from their projects will be provided. Speakers Gina Green Harris, MBA Technical Work Group Member, NAACFRC Director, Center for Community Engagement and Health Partnerships, PLACE Elizabeth Miller, […]
This webinar will provide tools and strategies that build the capacity of community and practice leaders to conduct their own research and share leadership roles with government or academic partners on research studies for African American child and family well-being. Speakers Natalie Hernandez Executive Director, Center for Maternal Health Equity, Community Health and Preventive Medicine, […]
This webinar will: Discuss ethical principles for conducting research with the community including trust, transparency, equity, and autonomy. Discuss ethical issues such as the importance of increasing community involvement in […]
This webinar will explore indicators and metrics for measuring progress toward and achievement of racial equity or equitable programs. Metrics are an emerging area of importance for the operationalization of […]
This webinar will explore methods and uses for collecting information to assess the extent to which entities are equitable. Provide an overview of Racial Equity Impact Assessments, and why these examinations are important when to conduct one of these examinations. Sample questions to ask to help identify racial inequities. Speakers Arthi Rao, Ph.D., MS-GIST, GISP […]
This webinar will identify and explore geographical information to assess ACF program provision and outcomes of African American families. This webinar will discuss common uses, challenges, and tips for using spatial analysis. Speakers Arthi Rao, Ph.D. Co-Investigator, National African American Child & Family Research Center • Senior Research Scientist & Interim Director, Center for Quality […]